The kids are adjusting quite well. As I write today they are clawing at sand on the Beach in Big Bay, with a creative energy I can't hope to match today. I'm fighting some kind of bug which has been making its way through the family. Seamus has had it worst, with coughing fits at night. But it's moving right on by, getting better everyday.

It has been a delight to work in warm weather. The house has the smell of fresh cut lumber seasoned with a touch of toxic glue and mold which brings back fond memories of Summer visits to camps of friends.
This month I picked up where I left off last Fall on hanging a door in our bedroom. It's an old door with a big window which we cut down to function more like a window. It took about a week to get that right.

We've decided against staining the cedar shingle siding. It's a kind of thing you don't have to do.
We have the building process pared down to what's necessary for us to move in: finishing the walls and ceiling of just the kitchen, dining room and one bedroom. The outhouse is working just fine. And floors? Not a prority. It's not that our current apartment is terrible, but it is not our home. We find ourselves going over to our 'big house' even on days when we're not working on it.
Coming soon- water supply and siding!