The to-do list is changing shape, becoming fathomable. Last week I had a mini freakout when someone asked me to do a concert in Big Bay's school gym (July 23rd). So I spent a few hours making a list of everything I plan to do this summer, and what it demands of me. It's still a busy time, but my worry machine is lulled to sleep for a while so I can enjoy life!

The new focus is the exterior. The blue wrapping paper we put on the house a year and a half ago has been unprotected way too long. The manufacturer's website says it starts to degrade after 120 days of direct sun. Under the shade of trees I think we have a little longer, but we're definitely pushing it.

So we're having a shingle party!
Labor day weekend, September 4th and 5th.
There are a few bands who've offered to come play. We'll make dancing space in the dance room.
Bring a tent, or find a spot in the house to camp.
There'll be food, beer and happy people all over the place.
If you want to come help get ready for the party, I'll be out there most Mondays, Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays from now until then. We have a door to hang, some windows to trim around, some roof braces to build, and so on. If you have a question, want directions or think of a name for this event, please post it here or send me a message by email. Some names suggested so far: Cedar Shingle Hootenany, Waitefest, Section 23 South Side Shingle Session...
I thought it might be nice to create a name that had not been made up yet, but that sounds like it means something, like Shamphurgium. "Will I see you at the Shamphurgium?"
"Yes, I look forward to it."