And here is its secret. Shhhhh.

And here is the arch door in its place. There is about another day's work ahead tuning this door and giving it a knob. But for now I'm happy to see something in the last big hole.

It's Christmas Eve here in Big Bay and a quiet day, except for the motor sounds of our boys pushing their trucks and talking through their teeth in big man voices, and for the sounds of Christmas cooking and cleaning going on downstairs. I'm sitting in bed hoping to shake a cold I've been half-denying all week. All a sick guy wants for Christmas is to be well again. I have a warm dry house, a caring family and a few days with no plans which couldn't be easily canceled or modified to allow for lying around. So I guess I have it made. If nothing else it's a good day to play around with the internet. The new background photo is from this Spring on top of the hill behind our little cabin.
Here's wishing you peace and joy in the darkest and sweetest time of year.