Framing time has begun. We got the site cleaned up this past weekend in preparation for a crew of four and two loads of forest products from Alberta and other far away places. It's always a little wierd buying wood from far away when you live in a forest. But it's like gathering firewood. If you can get your truck right next to some, it's a whole lot easier driving for a half hour to get it, rather than hauling it on your shoulder four hundred feet from your house. The wood came late, and we time to go make a fire in the little cabin before the driver came up the road, swe

aring and sweating.
He dumped it like a madman.
By the end of the day we had a wall and half up.

tomorrow should be exciting.
Took me awhile but I finally found my way to this site. Happy to be able to see you all and watch the progress of your house. What a great summer 09' will be in your woods and your house. The long wait and hard work will be sooooo worth it soon. We're so proud of you two. Praying the weather holds out for you to get the roof on before the BIG snow comes. Love and Kisses to all. Teri and Dad.