Not that we're not having fun. Here's how this ceiling is going together:
1. My dad cuts out a thousand pieces of studs.

2. I nail them to the trusses and the walls.

3. 3/4" plywood, cut into an arch shape (also mostly by my dear Dad), goes on the studs.

4. Ribs are fit in between the arches

It's exciting to see it come together. The cold weather has been a challenge any time when we're not moving around a ton. But when we are, I often don't really notice until times like now, in the evening after warming up and I feel like a sleepy old elephant.
I'll be back out there tomorrow and welcome anybody who wishes to come out.
I'll be back out there tomorrow and welcome anybody who wishes to come out.
Oh my the ceiling is beautiful. It is a true crown atop all those who dwell under it's glowing care. Love.