I think I have written before on this blog that the progress of housebuilding compares to watching kids grow. Your friend's kids (and house) seem to grow faster than you can keep up with, while your own develop at a varying pace which seems to oscillate between extremes of molasses-slow and then "holy wah, look at 'em go." This plumbing phase has been pretty close to the molasses edge. Maybe molasses in July. It has been a fun puzzle, just a little more time-consuming than anticipated.

Anyway the drain pipes are almost all cut and in place. My wish is that someone more experienced will come look at them before they get welded together. I think this guy with the Dodgers hat on is what they call a soil stack: where all the drains come together. There will be a vent pipe coming out the top of his head and continuing through the roof.

These pipes are to the drains in the second bathroom.

We're out of town this weekend in Ann Arbor visiting friends and relatives and playing a little music. It's always nice to go south in April and experience Spring a few weeks ahead of the UP. It's tulips and lilacs already down here. We're having a nourishing time and an excellent break from the routine. Lord knows it will be nice to be back to it again, but I don't know that yet. I got a few more days.
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