It's been a beautiful Fall, we managed to get wood piled up pretty good, hauled in almost all of the insulation, and even began insulating the block.

There's another couple weeks of framing work to do: closets, a landing at the back door and so on.
Then there's this big old stove my dad and Moses helped me haul in. Hooking that up and building the chimney are also on the table. We had used it the last couple years we were in our little cabin. It's way too big for that place, but it was nice to have the open fire.

As for today I'm resting my body after straining a muscle in my back on Saturday while taking the garbage to the dump. It's feeling better by the day and the old dog should be back on line come Thursday when I plan to get back to physical work. Until then I have plenty to do on paper, planning ahead for the Winter.

Hi builders. Love.