Monday, September 13, 2010

Shingling Digested

The shingling party was such a whirlwind that it has taken a few days to be able to start to get my head around it. We counted over a hundred guests, and almost that many bundles of shingles.

I was describing the event to some friends this Tuesday and they said it sounded like a mingo, a type of building party they had witnessed in Ecuador. At a mingo (I think this is the word) each family in a village sends one member to help with whatever project it is.

This is similar to our experience, as a few people came from all the facets of our social lives: our village. We are so fortunate to have such a large and loving village. I am grateful to everyone for their hard and focused work, but the project itself stands as a mere symbol. In a few thousand years the next ice age will wipe all semblance of this house away, but the happy spirit of everyone is way bigger than all this stuff.

Here is a video featuring music of Pitchy Kanto recorded Saturday night. I apologize that there aren't more pictures or video. We were real busy.

Click here to see photos posted on Facebook.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, what a feeling! She looks great, and even with all the charming descriptions people have said about this event, seeing the video is really pleasing and made me have a real sense of things. Lovely, and so happy and proud of everyone. I don't know, just joy. Good Job.


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